Spell Adjectives

Negative Spell Adjectives:

These reduce the SL of a spell. The maximum shift is +2 or -2 SL. Each combination takes one research point to learn.

Zero Casting Level (-1 to SL): The CL of this spell is 0.

Easy to Resist (-1 to SL): If the spell gives a save, it is automatically made. If it doesn't give a save, it gives one (vs. Spell). Counterspells on this spell can't be countered.

No Range (-1 to SL): The spell is range touch, is not area (1 target only), and cannot be material componented.

Negative [Status Name] Admixture (-SEL to SL, Max 2): You suffer this negative status effect with no resistance when this spell is cast and as long as it is running.

Positive Spell Adjectives:

Pinpoint (+2 to SL):  The spell hits one target (not a group) CL times. Multiple hits do cause extra save penalty (-5 per instance). Cannot be material componented for area.

Sarcastic (+2 to SL): Change all “+”es to “-“es in the effect of the spell.